Thursday, December 27, 2007

Playground Observations. #1: The Magic Word or a Threat?

Having two kids, I often spend my time at the playground. It is interesting to listen to moms and nannies talk. There are a couple of funny things that I have noticed in the playground language. Here's one of them.

I often hear moms try to teach their kids to use the "Magic Word" - PLEASE: ПОЖАЛУЙСТА. To do that they make sure they use it themselves. Good tactic! Nothing wrong about it. But one should listen to how they use it! They usually use it when they want their kid to do or not to do something the kids may not find pleasant. And the intonation they use - High Fall intonation or ИК-2 turns the whole magic word into a threat. 

Паша, подой\ди сюда, пожалуйста! 
Вася, не си\ди на земле, пожалуйста! 
Маша от\дай, пожалуйста, игрушку девочке! 

All these sentences, to sound polite, should be pronounced with the High Rise + Low Tail intonation pattern known in Russian as ИК-3. In fact, ИК-3 bears the meaning of "please", it makes the sentence polite even without the magic word. If moms used this intonation pattern without "please" they would sound so much more polite than with "please" but with a High Fall intonation - ИК-2! Moms also pronounce the word ПОЖАЛУЙСТА slowly, usually with minimal reduction, they stamp on every syllable, turning the usual casual [пaжАлстъ] into [пажАлустъ].  I wonder what message kids get when they hear such usage of PLEASE?! 

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